A New Beginning

Am one of those people that get excited by each and everything; a child’s laughter, leaves falling against the sun, the splash of the delicious color orange on buildings, billboards and apparel, the tingling sensation when singing a soulful tune………… all that.

Today am between a very hard place and a very big rock but  am excited…. not by this fact but because tomorrow, Kenya’s mwanzo mpya (new beginning) will be birthed. There is a freshness in the air, a new way of doing things(just look at the news channels) and like I have heard it said by many, 2010 is certainly a defining year, we stand on the threshold of creating a lasting legacy for generations to come. When the history books are written, it will be remembered that we were the people that refused to go down with the pessimism placed on us by many after a botched election.

Indeed we will be remembered as the republic that promulgated a constitution in time of peace….. and our children and their children will learn from this reference. Truly May God bless Kenya and cover us with  His love just like a soft shower. Tomorrow when the anthemn is sang I will be counted as one of the millions of Kenyans who have reiterated over and over again… no retreat no surrender!

I may be in a difficult place but am not without hope!

Baraka Tele!